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Saturday, January 21, 2012

They all my soul

....My Dearest Friends....

i love you same i love my life.. no one can break up our friendship forever...
i need you and you also need me... 
you just like a light that shining the darkness... 
my life would be sorrow if you gone...

 ceah, jelita, ain
 jelita, ceah
 auni and me
 leha, ceah and me
 alia, ceah
 auni and ghost
 leha, auni, ain
 leha, auni, iman, ceah, ain
 me, auni, emmy, ceah, leha
 ceah, auni
 ceah, auni again!

"Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories."

"True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget." 

p/s: pray for us..the SPM 2012 candidates.. hopefully we all get straight A+ in exam... Amin...

Moment at MJSC Jeli ( Kem Renjer Puteri)

assalamualaikum pembuka bicara, 
untuk semua pengunjung disana, 
terima kasih dari saya, 
kerana sudi meluangkan masa.

Along the Journey

 airen suke ais krim durian ke?

At Kopu ( MRSM Kota Putra)

 pypa ngn nirul 

OK! Dah sampai dah!

 depan mrsm jeli!
 perh mcm padg jarak pdg terkukur... panas sungguh

 sepatutnye ni kerja lelaki

 dewan MRSM Jeli...besar sangat

 nak pg dewan kene mendaki bukit yg curam!
 kehidupan yg x terurus

keadaanlebih teruk dri somalia

 mencurah air ke daun keladi ^.^

Balik Bp...yea!!! tp Makan jap..lapar

 [ balik2 jew tengok semua orang dah SUNBURN... x serupe manusia dah]
p/s : anyway satu pengalaman yang menarik di sana.. and i really enjoy there.